If you’re wondering where to teach English, you might consider the USA, where they are experiencing a shortage of qualified instructors in the public school system.
Latest figures show that approximately one in every 10 students there is learning English as a further language, though this varies across the country. For instance, it’s as high as 22% of students in California and 19% in Texas, but just 1% in West Virginia.
While acquiring a work visa for the United States is notoriously difficult, Darling-Hammond et al (2016) have suggested pursuing and continuing programmes that certify foreign teachers who are bilingual or trained in ESL would help to fill the gap, so this may be more feasible going forward. Maybe it’s time to start saying howdy.
REFERENCE: Darling-Hammond, L., Furger, R. C., Shields, P. M., and Sutcher, L. (2016). Addressing California’s Emerging Teacher Shortage: An Analysis of Sources and Solutions. Learning Policy Institute.