Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Putting security first

Janet Garcia, president of PSI, which runs the Skills for English test, explains what sets it apart from the pack

What do you think makes Skills for English different?

“We carried out extensive research prior to developing the test and it showed that security, accessibility and fairness were three of the key areas that test sponsors, accepting institutions and test takers care about most. Skills for English was therefore developed with those very much in mind and delivers equally on all those fronts, setting up all parties for success.

“Further, we’ve partnered with the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) to create Skills for English: SELT, and both it and Skills for English: Global carry its assurance.

“We are fully committed to quality and validity of the test content, secure procedures and delivery, and flexible, multi-modal options for test takers, including online proctoring, which allows the test takers to take the test where they are. As one of the newer tests in the market, we were able to build in this flexibility from the start.

“In the majority of cases, the test takers know what level of proficiency they have to demonstrate, so being able to take the test at the level they need removes the uncertainty – and the stress – of answering questions across a number of levels.

“We know how much achieving this credential means to our test takers, which is why we’ve also prioritised our test preparation and practice offering, which has been described as ‘generous’. We see this as integral to PSI’s mission to help people succeed and improve their lives. The materials we make available to test takers and teachers are an effective tool for getting them ready for exam success.”

PSI is famous for, among other things, psychometric testing. How does that influence its language exams?

“PSI knows how to do exams and the science is at our core. PSI, along with its talent management sister company, Talogy, has been delivering assessment solutions for over 75 years. We develop psychometrically defensible assessment for hundreds of organisations globally and deliver on the order of 30-million assessments a year, in 50-plus languages in over 160 countries. We leverage that wealth of expertise and experience in testing best practices for the development of valid, reliable, fair language assessments.

“We have a dedicated team of language assessment experts who ensure alignment to the CEFR, train content developers and oversee an ongoing rigorous process of development and review.”

Skills for English has been accepted as a secure English language test in the UK. Recently exam security is a Hot-button issue in many countries. What is the PSI approach?

“High-stakes testing is our business and we appreciate the need to protect the integrity of the credentials we deliver. As a result, we’ve developed an approach to test security that covers a number of angles and work closely with the Home Office to ensure they have full confidence in the secure delivery of Skills for English. All our  SELT centres are approved by the Home Office, including security clearance of the staff supporting the delivery of the test. There are security protocols at the test centres on the day of the test: ID check, photograph of the test taker, etc, as well as a robust mystery shop, audit and QA programme.

“Additionally, we employ the vast experience we have in monitoring the test performance using data forensics, as cheating usually leaves a ‘trace’ that we are able to pick up by identifying anomalies from the norm that we then investigate further. This provides a very robust safeguarding measure that is effective across all modalities.”

Which markets do you see as ripe for this kind of test?

“The market has been ripe for more diversity and choice for a while. With SELT locations in over 120 countries and an online proctoring option for Skills for English: Global, we’re opening more doors for more people, improving their access to a secure, reliable and widely accepted way to prove their level of English.

Skills for English has been incredibly successful at driving rapid acceptance as a standard for study, work or settlement purposes by a growing number of government agencies and educational institutions in the UK, Ireland and the US.

“Through PSI’s UK office, we work closely with the Home Office and the Department for International Trade (DIT), supporting their missions of developing closer collaboration, and forging new economic and educational ties with strategic partner countries globally.”

What do you think the next big thing in testing is likely to be?

“With this we come full circle from the beginning of the interview: security, accessibility and fairness will likely remain the main concerns and our continued investment in innovation on content is focused on these. The experience of the recent pandemic has put remote access to assessments, and therefore their security, into sharp focus and keeping ahead of those wishing to cheat is crucial. The development and application of robust, secure mobile technology is likely to be the next great race in the industry.”

Image courtesy of The Headshot Truck LLC
Janet Garcia
Janet Garcia
Janet Garcia is president of PSI.
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