Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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Announcing this year’s Extensive Reading Foundation’s shortlist for its Language Learner Literature Awards

The Extensive Reading Foundation is a not-for-profit, charitable organisation whose purpose is to support and promote extensive reading. One Foundation initiative is the annual Language Learner Literature Award for the best new graded readers in English. The Extensive Reading Foundation announced the finalists for its 2021 Language Learner Literature Awards at the TESOL International Virtual Conference in late March. The finalists were determined by a team of first language and L2 teachers from 10 countries.

The Foundation’s website,, is collecting comments on these titles from teachers and students who have read them from now up until 30 June at The jurors will consider those comments as

they choose the winners, which will be announced at the Extensive Reading Around the World Virtual Conference, 13-15 August ( ERAW).The finalists for this year’s contest are as follow:


Very Young Learners (Up to age 5/1st grade): Dragon Tales by Jenny Dooley, Express Publishing. Jigsaw by Richard Northcott, Stand For Publishing/FTD Educação (Brazil).

The Tortoise and the Hare retold by Nicole Irving, Ladybird Readers.


Young Learners (ages 6-11/2nd-6th grade): Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift, retold by RJ Corrall, Ladybird Readers.

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World by Fiona Beddall, Scholastic.

Survival by Herbert Puchta and Gavin Biggs, Helbling Languages.


Adolescents and Adults: Beginners

(up to 300 headwords):

The Scissor Man Caves by Anna Trewin, Penguin Readers.

The Cat’s Paw by Gavin Biggs, Helbling Readers.


Adolescents and Adults: Elementary (301-800 headwords, CEF A1 & A2 levels):

The Extraordinary Life of Malala Yousafzai by Hiba Noor Khan, retold by Hannah Fish, Penguin Readers Garpur: My Iceland by Silvana Sardi, Teen ELI Readers.

Urban Legends by David Bohlke, Wayzgoose Press.


Adolescents and Adults: Intermediate (801-1,500 headwords, CEF B1): The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne, retold by Anna Trewin, Penguin Readers.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, retold by Helen Holwill, Penguin Readers.

Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly, retold by Jane Rollason, Scholastic.


Adolescents and Adults: Upper intermediate and Advanced (1,501+ headwords; CEF B2, C1, C2):

The Hunt for Jack the Ripper by Samuel Sheehy, Burlington Books. 1984 by George Orwell, retold by Fiona Mackenzie, Penguin Readers.

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and other stories retold by Jennifer Gascoigne and Robert Hill, Vicens Vives.

Image courtesy of Ben White on Unsplashj
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