Sunday, February 2, 2025


Challenge inappropriate behavior

A policy on bullying and harassment is not enough to protect employers or their staff, warns Varinder Unlu

With all the recent high-profile events and cases of harassment and bullying, both still remain significant issues. No one is immune. Yet with so much help available online to help both employers and employees, why are we still struggling?

The employers’ main responsibility is to have a clear, robust and well communicated policy on bullying and harassment. Policies alone, however, are not enough. When an employee reports any issues, they need to be taken seriously and dealt with promptly and discreetly.

Employers must ensure the lessons are learned and a more positive and inclusive culture is developed where individuals are confident enough to bring complaints without fear of ridicule or reprisal.

How are we dealing with it in ELT?

Not very well, unfortunately. Every school has a policy hidden deep within its staff handbook, with codes of conduct that people must adhere to. But in reality, bullying and harassment is often not dealt with appropriately, and the victim is left feeling helpless, unsupported and sometimes completely ignored.

The main issue in this industry seems to be lack of training and awareness among the people who are supposed to be helping.

When an incident is reported, it needs to be thoroughly investigated. This takes time and resources which most organisations simply do not have. The investigation must also be impartial, which means no one involved should be a friend of either party.

The victim should be kept informed at every stage, and the whole process should be dealt with in a reasonable time. No victim should have to wait several months for the whole process to conclude.

Everyone in the company has a responsibility to support an inclusive, tolerant working environment. They should all play their part in making the organisation’s policy a reality, and be prepared to challenge inappropriate behaviour and take action if needed After all, Employers and individuals can be ordered to pay unlimited compensation where discrimination-based harassment has occurred.

Where can we go for help? ELTtoo was set up in January 2018 as a platform where people in the industry can report any incidents of bullying and harassment anonymously and receive advice and support on how to deal with what they are experiencing.


■ Varinder Unlu is a senior EFL manager, co-ordinator of the Iatefl and Inclusive Practices and SEN Special Interest Group and founder of #elttoo

Image courtesy of Library
Melanie Butler
Melanie Butler
Melanie started teaching EFL in Iran in 1975. She worked for the BBC World Service, Pearson/Longman and MET magazine before taking over at the Gazette in 1987 and also launching Study Travel magazine. Educated in ten schools in seven countries, she speaks fluent French and Spanish and rather rusty Italian.
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