Sunday, February 2, 2025
HomeReviews & ResourcesReviews in BriefEnglish Medium Instruction

English Medium Instruction

Content and Language in Policy and Practice

Ernesto Macaro

Oxford University Press: Oxford Applied Linguistics

ISBN: 978-0-19-440396-2

EMI (English Medium Instruction) is defined as the use of English to teach academic subjects in countries where the first language is not English. This fast-growing area in secondary and tertiary education is an elusive concept. The ten chapters of this 334-page book in the Oxford Applied Linguistics series successfully explore EMI from various perspectives, including language policies, the cost-benefit ratio, and teacher and student viewpoints. This extensively-researched book is insightful on ‘translanguaging’ (using both English and L1) and dealing with technical vocabulary. The book includes a useful lecture-planning template. It is likely to become the standard work on EMI.

Image courtesy of Library
Pete Sharma
Pete Sharma
Pete is a teacher and teacher trainer with a Masters in Educational Technology and ELT from Manchester University, and a background in business English teaching. He is a lecturer in EAP at Warwick University, and an active consultant with many organisations. Pete's book reviews are provided courtesy of BEBC:
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