Monday, March 31, 2025

Reviews & Resources

Review: 101 Psychological Tips

Sarah Mercer and Herbert Puchta’s 101 Psychological Tips Cambridge Handbook for Language Teachers Cambridge University Press, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-00-934370-1 This title is number fourteen in the growing series of easy-to-read pocket editions from...

Review: Activities for Mediation

Activities for Mediation: Building bridges in the ELT classroomBy Riccardo Chiappini and Ethan MansurDELTA Publishing, 2021ISBN: 978-3-12-501744-3 I will...

Review: From Teacher to Trainer

From Teacher to TrainerBy Matthew T. Ellman and Peter LucantoniCambridge, 2022ISBN: 978-1-108-82707-2 Since they often make bold claims as...

Reduce (prep-time), Reuse (activities), Recycle (paper)

Is the scrap paper piling up? Teacher Stephen Tarbuck offers his ideas to reuse scrap paper in the...

Navigating online teaching

Teaching online can be difficult to break into if you don’t know where to start. Luckily, experienced teacher...

Get out of here

Take your students on a mission to learn with this innovative book, says Wayne Trotman ESCAPE THE CLASSROOM Fiona Wall Minami Perceptia Press, 2020 ISBN: 978-4-939130-29-8 The author...

On losing languages

The world’s diversity of languages is rapidly shrinking but, as Wayne Trotman reports, one writer has done his best to catalogue those that remain LINGUIST...

Making it fun

There are plenty of ways to keep interest from flagging in the classroom, as Wayne Trotman discovers 101 EFL ACTIVITIES FOR TEACHING UNIVERSITY STUDENTS Hall...

Learning through the unknown

From a pair of trainers to the Loch Ness monster, Wayne Trotman looks at unusual teaching tactics HISTORY’S MYSTERIES Created by Taylor Sap with Catherine...

Notes on good practice

As a teacher you should never stop learning, says Wayne Trotman TEACHING IN CHALLENGING CIRCUMSTANCES By Chris Sowton Cambridge University Press, 2021 ISBN 978-1-108-81612-0 The inspiration for...

Drilling for success

There is good reason for persisting with an age-old method, says Wayne Trotman USING DRILLS IN ENGLISH LANGUAGE TEACHING By Tony Penston ISBN 978-0-9531323-6-2 It’s always a...
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