Saturday, March 29, 2025

Book of the Month

Review: 101 Psychological Tips

Sarah Mercer and Herbert Puchta’s 101 Psychological Tips Cambridge Handbook for Language Teachers Cambridge University Press, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-00-934370-1 This title is number fourteen in the growing series of easy-to-read pocket editions from...

Structuring Fun for Young Learners in the ELT Classroom

Chris Roland Pavilion Publishing and Media ISBN: 9781913414535 This 364-page resource book starts with the premise that teaching young learners can...

Speak Your Mind: Student’s Book Level 3

Mickey Rogers, Joanne Taylore-Knowles, Steve Taylore-Knowles Macmillan Education ISBN 9781380031411 This 6-level general English course is for young adults. The twelve...

ETpedia™: Teacher Training

500 ideas for teacher training in English language teaching Beth Melia-Leigh and Nicholas Northall Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd ISBN 9781913414160 This...

ETpedia™ Management: 500 ideas for managing an English Language school

Fiona Dunlop, Keith Harding and Robert McLarty Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd ISBN: 9781912755271 Language teachers moving into management positions often...

ETpedia: Vocabulary

500 Ideas and Activities for Teaching Vocabulary Stacey H. Hughes, Fiona Mauchline and Julie Moore Pavilion, ISBN: 9781912755264 Vocabulary is central to language teaching. I welcome this...

Focus on Vocabulary Learning

Marlise Horst Oxford University Press ISBN: 9780194003131 This 173-page book gave me fresh insights into teaching vocabulary. It covers familiar ground, such as corpora, frequency and ‘coverage’....

Business Partner B2

I. Dubicka, M. Rosenberg, B. Dignen, M. Hogan, L. Wright Pearson ISBN: 978-1-29-223356-7 This extensive business-English coursebook focuses on ‘workplace English’ and covers both communication and business...

Alan Maley’s 50 Creative Activities

Alan Maley Cambridge University Press ISBN: 978-1-10-845776-7 Creativity involves aspects of innovation, quality and relevance. We recognise it, even if it is difficult to define. The activities...

Teaching Young Language Learners: 2nd edition

Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers Annamaria Pinter Oxford University Press ISBN: 978-0-19-440318-4 Originally published in 2006, the second edition of this Handbook successfully brings together research and practice....

ETpedia™ Exams

500 Ideas for Preparing Students for EFL Exams Louis Rogers and John Hughes with Vanessa Reis Esteves Pavilion Publishing and Media Ltd ISBN: 978-1-911028-80-2 Are you preparing students...
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