Friday, March 28, 2025

Research News

Teach your children well

First language literacy skills enhance second language learning. Early enhancement of reading skills in Spanish translates to improved English literacy, according to a study by Raul Gutiérrez Fresneda and colleagues...

Never too old to start

Language learning protects against dementia. Language learning improves cognitive function, especially cognitive flexibility, in the over 65s, according to...

An island of growth

How Malta's recovery outperformed all other destinations in 2023. Malta’s post-pandemic recovery is one of the remarkable success stories...

Singing from the same song book

Technology can enhance the use of music in language learning. Combining the use of music and technology during English...

Mapping SCAMPERing

Guidance can improve brainstorming techniques for essay writing. Brainstorming techniques improve creativity in writing tasks, especially with additional structured...

Real issues for online teacher training

A review signposts issues for both instructors and students The pros and cons of online TEFL training are outlined in a review by Dong-shin Shin...

Babies can tell a hum isn’t human language

Twelve-month old babies understand that foreign languages are not just noise, according to a study by Athena Vouloumanos at New York University. Babies selectively attend...

Practise pronunciation, improve listening

Teaching pronunciation to learners of Spanish as a foreign language improved intelligibility and comprehension in listening tasks, reports Elizabeth Kissling from the University of...

Values added course books? How the topics we teach have changed in the last twenty years

Since the 1990s, ELT textbooks have increasingly embodied neoliberal assumptions, claims Keith Copley’s qualitative analysis of popular and influential ELT courses from the last...

Study shows Brexit’s negative impact on UK language learning

The British Council’s annual language trends report has found that Brexit may be reducing the perceived value of foreign language courses. The study says that...
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