Sunday, February 2, 2025

Features and Comment

Policy, policy, policy: a glance back at 2024

Though it seems to have come and gone so quickly, 2024 is beginning to wrap itself up in a, perhaps not-so-neat, little bow. The sector has experienced various highs and...

British Council’s shared services in India: smart cost-cutting or cultural misstep?

Educator and journalist William Grice shares his experience with teacher recruitment through the British Council. Last year, I was...

English on the airwaves

Learning English on the go? Fabio Cerpelloni chats with ELTon nominee, Luke Thompson all about his English-learning podcast. Q:...

Seeing the person in front of you

Fabio Cerpelloni speaks to Hadar Shemesh about the importance of teacher recruitment and retention for her school, Accent's...

The argument against exams

Are exams really a necessary evil? Fabio Cerpelloni speaks to teacher and YouTuber, Christian Saunders, to get his...

“In the last year I earned £16,756. It’s an insult.”

British EFL teachers are being forced into poverty argues Rhiannon Carter Money in UK ELT industry is bad. I don’t think this is news to...

Managing Your Way to the Top

ELC Eastbourne is the second school that John Veale has taken up the EL Gazette rankings. He tells Melanie Butler the secrets behind his...

We don’t need no education

The Irish government say EFL should be part of education not tourism. As parents, we agree, say Melanie Butler and Ron Ragsdale The student experience...

Teach Uni in East Asia

Lisa Magloff looks into the benefits and drawbacks of university teaching in the region Teaching in a university in China, Japan or South Korea can...

Wanted: Tefl teachers to retrain for jobs in British international schools

Colin Bell has a long history with English-Language teaching. “I did a CELTA in 1997 in London, so it’s my first profession.’’ The head...

At home in the English Home Counties

Melanie Butler discovers the allure of England’s Home Counties and its EFL destinations Imagine a ‘typically’ English town: a neat, green. safe place with ancient...
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