Saturday, March 29, 2025


English on the airwaves

Learning English on the go? Fabio Cerpelloni chats with ELTon nominee, Luke Thompson all about his English-learning podcast. Q: You started the Luke’s English Podcast in 2009. What inspired you...

The argument against exams

Are exams really a necessary evil? Fabio Cerpelloni speaks to teacher and YouTuber, Christian Saunders, to get his...

Inclusion and exclusion in EdTech

How can EdTech create opportunities for those from disadvantaged backgrounds? We chat with Adam Edmett, Head of EdTech...

The rise of the teacherpreneur

How can a teacher stretch their limits outside the traditional teaching box? As more and more people turn away...

Melanie Butler, in conversation with British Council’s Mark Walker

”We are really asking questions,” says Mark Walker about the British Council’s new report on the “Future of...

An inspector calls

Paul Fear tells Melanie Butler about a new accreditation scheme aiming to raise standards outside of the English speaking world ‘A_ccrediting EFL courses is not...

Keep it all in the family

Melanie Butler speaks to one of the owners of a language school that has transformed people’s lives ‘CLAC has changed my life. I don’t do...

Drama without the drama

Kiwi-based Chasing Time Productions tell Claudia Civinini how they created an exciting and useful television series for English language teachers Chasing Time Productions wanted to...
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