Monday, March 10, 2025

October 2024

Review: 101 Psychological Tips

Sarah Mercer and Herbert Puchta’s 101 Psychological Tips Cambridge Handbook for Language Teachers Cambridge University Press, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-00-934370-1 This title is number fourteen in the growing series of easy-to-read pocket editions from...

Mastering the art of professional development

Fabio Cerpelloni sits down with NILE’s Martyn Clarke to discuss the school’s MA in Professional Development for Language...

Lettori fight continues in the ECHR

David Petrie reports on the recent developments in the fight to secure damages for foreign lecturers in Italy. Lawyers...

Quo Vadis, EAP?

Professor Douglas Bell, author of a recent book ‘English for Academic Purposes. Perspectives on the Past, Present and...

Teach your children well

First language literacy skills enhance second language learning. Early enhancement of reading skills in Spanish translates to improved English...

News in numbers: young Turkish students abroad drive growth

Türkiye’s junior ELT market is showing significant signs of growth, with 88% of young people expressing interest in studying abroad, according to Engin Cosar,...

Australia: Senate committee recommends international enrolment cap go forward

The Senate Standing Committees on Education and Employment have recommended the government go ahead with new legislation to cap international student numbers. Reactions to the...

US: new measures to tackle visa backlog for Indian students

The US Mission to India has opened an additional 250,000 visa appointments for Indian travellers in an effort to reduce the backlog. As of the...

News in numbers: will the US election influence student choice?

Back in August, we took an in-depth look at how the US election and government policy may influence students’ decision to study in the...

UK: international education under the microscope

Universities must ‘harness global reach, reputation and impact’ says Universities UK, as government pledges to review their International Education Strategy. A new report from...
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