Monday, March 10, 2025

October 2024

Review: 101 Psychological Tips

Sarah Mercer and Herbert Puchta’s 101 Psychological Tips Cambridge Handbook for Language Teachers Cambridge University Press, 2023 ISBN: 978-1-00-934370-1 This title is number fourteen in the growing series of easy-to-read pocket editions from...

Mastering the art of professional development

Fabio Cerpelloni sits down with NILE’s Martyn Clarke to discuss the school’s MA in Professional Development for Language...

Lettori fight continues in the ECHR

David Petrie reports on the recent developments in the fight to secure damages for foreign lecturers in Italy. Lawyers...

Quo Vadis, EAP?

Professor Douglas Bell, author of a recent book ‘English for Academic Purposes. Perspectives on the Past, Present and...

Teach your children well

First language literacy skills enhance second language learning. Early enhancement of reading skills in Spanish translates to improved English...

English in a changing world

Attending the recent forum in Türkiye, Wayne Trotman reports on the insights into the past, present and future of English language education. In November, 2015...

Insights from ELT experts at the International Publishers Exhibition

Aleksandra Popovski and Debra Suarez discuss the ELT profession and teachers associations at IPE Athens. Back in September, EL Gazette attended the International Publishers Exhibition...

Rise in international students considering more than one study destination

Around 66% of international students are considering more than one study destination, the ‘highest in recent years’, according to IDP Education. IDP’s newest ‘Emerging Futures’...

Malaysia: new ‘edutourism’ initiative aims for junior and short-term markets

Around 20 private institutions in Malaysia have committed to developing English language study programmes as part of a new initiative. Malaysia Edu+, launched by tourism...

International student mobility shown to reduce poverty

A new study published in the International Journal of Educational Research has found that foreign-educated graduates reduce extreme poverty in low- and middle-income countries. Researchers...

Ireland: new General Election Manifesto from ICOS

The Irish Council for International Students (ICOS) have launched their General Election Manifesto 2024. The manifesto outlines actions for the next government, with aims of...
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