Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Issue 482 - Oct 2022

      Saudis favour US books, but UK schools

      A recent flurry of course-book adoptions in Saudi Arabia suggest that, though the UK seems to remain the top destination for Saudi students, when it comes to course material...

      ELTon judges go nuts for Brazil

      This year’s shortlist has Melanie Butler singing its innovative praises Innovating against the odds – that is the motto...

      Upskilling in ELT

      Ready for the next step in your teaching career? Gerald Nikolai Smith explores what’s out there Moving up in...

      Escape to New Zealand

      Kim Renner and the board of English New Zealand explain how their schools can help English language teachers...

      “EFL students want native-English-speaker teachers!”

      Is this fact or fallacy? Caitlin Nolan devised a study to find out Much research provides, and some anecdotes...

      Do points mean prizes?

      Who does best in chain-school rankings? Melanie Butler finds out Who takes the prizes among the chains? Generally, the answer is top prizes go to...

      Immigrant language testing is not a level playing field

      Many factors determine which learners will find it easier to acquire a host country’s language Factors such as immigrants’ first language and general educational background...

      English exams on test

      Can IELTS and TOEFL results be extrapolated for academic success? TOEFL and IELTS scores are equally valid for college entrance, but their ability to predict...

      The global race for EFL teachers

      All English-speaking destination countries are reporting a shortage of two vital elements: host families and teachers. New Zealand, which is still waiting to fully...

      Which chains remain unbroken?

      A look at the state of the UK’s chain schools, by Melanie Butler There are three main differences between the outcomes on this year’s rankings...

      How Covid tweaked the rankings

      Did the pandemic do much to how well language schools perform? Melanie Butler takes a look The rankings this year are based on all the...
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