Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Issue 480 - May 2022

      Minimum wage pay is leaching into year-round UK teaching posts

      Minimum wage jobs are appearing in UK EFL even in year-round schools. The summer schools have long skated on thin ice when it comes to minimum wage (see opposite)...

      Sounds like a good idea, but what’s the evidence?

      Gill Ragsdale gathers answers from 30 years of phonics research Use of phonics can improve learning to read English...

      This year’s IATFEL goes big in Belfast for its return to a face-to-face event

      Come with educationalist Pete Sharma to take a sneak peek at some of the edtech exhibitors who will...

      Getting the most from graded readers

      Sue Leather explains the four essentials needed to set up your extensive reading programme No one disputes the benefits...

      In memoriam of a great teacher

      Teacher training colleague and close family friend Katy Salisbury remembers Alun Rees Alun Rees, the inspirational EL teacher and...

      UK language travel: case study

      There’s an innovative scheme to marry up English language students in the UK with low-skill vacancies, says Melanie Butler Bournemouth, and neighbouring Christchurch and Poole...

      It sounds good

      Why phonics is a useful tool when teaching English, by Melanie Butler The first time I used phonics in an EFL class was in Italy...

      How deep is your language?

      Computers using deep language models (DLMs) help us understand how the brain processes language, according to a new study by an international team of...

      Changing direction

      As the Covid dust settles, other factors are determining where students go to learn English, says Melanie Butler With the Philippines open to fully vaccinated...

      What’s trending now

      This issue is packed with the topics everyone is talking about right now With the world returning to something like normal where the pandemic is...

      Wake up, this is your teacher speaking

      A look at motivational strategies in the EFL classroom EFL Students, especially the less proficient, may not view teachers’ motivational strategies as intended, according to...
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