Friday, March 14, 2025

July 2021

The students are coming

In a much-needed boost to educational institutions, international students are keen to get going with their courses abroad. Statistics from International Student Crossroads Research show that 89% of them are...

China outlaws profit-making private tuition

China has made it illegal for companies to make a profit from after-school tuition services for school-age children....

Plane talking

On 22 July, 100 English language students, all of whom had tested positive for Covid, boarded the first...

Sign language

An unemployed English teacher in Mexico City took to the streets of his home town with a sign...

Students and teachers protest as Ireland opens language schools

As Irish language schools were permitted to open their doors for in-person teaching on 19 July, a small...

Korean numbers

North Koreans beat their South Korean peers at TOEFL IBT in 2020, averaging 87 points the US-owned English language test, which is the international...

About face

Malta is to close all language schools from Wednesday 14 July and ban unvaccinated tourists as Covid cases soar, the Deputy Prime Minister Christopher...

Pencil sharpeners at the ready

Want your students to learn quickly? Ditch the computers and give them a pencil and paper. According to recent research, those who write the new...

Missing English teacher: update

The body of the English teacher Alice Hodgkinson, who was reported missing by her employer, the Shane English School, in Tokyo when she failed...

ESL #1 for new grads

According to JobStreet Philippines, an arm of Southeast Asia’s largest online employment agency, right now the education field has the most jobs for new...

English grows during pandemic

Language, as we know, isn’t static, but ever-evolving and this has certainly been the case during the pandemic, as it has during other times...
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