Monday, March 10, 2025

Issue 469 - Mar 2020

“We should start by putting ourselves first, not our students”

Students suffer when teachers are stressed out, argues Lara Statham We always hear that we should be putting our students first. And I believe that many of us do just...

Business Partner B1 Student’s Book

O’Keeffe, Lansford, Wright R., Frendo, Wright L. Pearson ISBN: 9781292233543 This business English coursebook aims to help students communicate effectively in...

New Secure English Language Tests for UK migrants

Migrants to the UK will benefit from the expansion in the number of Secure English Language Test (SELT)...

An unexpected bonus?

To help differentiate our very top centres we’ve been diving deep in the data, as Melanie Butler explains More...

Wise words from a summer school super-head

Millfield’s Mark Greenow reveals to Melanie Butler his secrets for success He doesn’t just run Millfield English Language Holiday...

Don’t judge a learner by their label: US teacher expectations of ELLs

Label, not language level, may determine teachers’ perceptions, study finds Labelling US school pupils as English Language Learners (ELLs) leads to lower teachers’ expectations, except...

The sun sets on two ELT empires

The cosy hegemony of the US and the UK is ending. Melanie Butler and Ron Ragsdale examine why Shortly after the Second World War, representatives...

At the top for 16+

The top language centres for students aged 16+ now receive an area of strength in 80 per cent or more of all the areas...

Scott Thornbury’s 101 Grammar Questions

Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers Scott Thornbury Cambridge University Press ISBN: 9781292237206 How many conditionals are there? How many tenses? The questions in this pocket handbook are frequently...

“Our house is always open”

IH London CEO Mark Rendell tells Melanie Butler why the future of ELT is innovation As CEO of International House London and in-coming chair of...

Becoming a language teacher

Wayne Trotman reviews a study of the socialisation of trainee-teachers Social Interaction in Language Teacher Education Fiona Farr, Angela Farrell and Elaine Freeman Edinburgh University Press, 2019 ISBN:...
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