Sunday, March 2, 2025

Business Partner B2

I. Dubicka, M. Rosenberg, B. Dignen, M. Hogan, L. Wright


ISBN: 978-1-29-223356-7

This extensive business-English coursebook focuses on ‘workplace English’ and covers both communication and business skills. The content is based on three key concepts: employability, flexibility and learner engagement. A wide range of topics are covered, including corporate culture, finance and time management. The eight units can be used independently, making the course highly adaptable to the needs of specific groups; and access to an impressive range of digital resources allows for a blended approach. The course includes authentic video and articles from the Financial Times. The dramatized training video is especially interesting, as alternative scenarios are given, A and B. Students then discuss how different communication styles lead to different outcomes. I also like the ‘business workshops,’ activities based on real-life professional situations. Highly recommended.

Images courtesy of Pearson Education and Library
Pete Sharma
Pete Sharma
Pete is a teacher and teacher trainer with a Masters in Educational Technology and ELT from Manchester University, and a background in business English teaching. He is a lecturer in EAP at Warwick University, and an active consultant with many organisations. Pete's book reviews are provided courtesy of BEBC:
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