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Home2022 Issues100 centres gone from British Council accreditation.

100 centres gone from British Council accreditation.

One hundred language centres whose names were on the British Council accreditation list at the outbreak of Covid are no longer accredited, according to EL Gazette records. That means that of the 478 centres on the EL Gazette database in March 2020, 21 per cent have disappeared.

Thirty-four of the centres on our list, or a third of the total departures, have gone since September 7th last year.

Only 65 of the listed centres have definitely either closed down or else merged with another operation. Only 13 of the 66 Private Language schools (PLS) on our list appear to be trading but 5 of the 12 summer school operations (SS) still have at least one summer centre. Only one boarding school has closed completely and only one Further Education college (FE) has closed their EFL department. None of the departing universities appear to have closed their language centre.

A further 19 language centres have informed the British Council they are not currently trading but are planning to reopen in 2023. Another 2 schools, though still accredited, seem simply to have disappeared from the map. None of these are names in our list below. After all, throughout the epidemic schools have closed and perhaps gone into liquidation and been removed only to reappear again sometimes with a different name. At least one centre has reappeared only to disappear again.

It is almost certain, then that some of the centres in our list below will re-emerge and be re-accredited maybe after just a quick spot check. And it’s equally certain that others currently on the accreditation list will choose to opt out of the scheme with other finding themselves forced out of business.

After all, of the 15 language centres which have been accredited since Covid began, two have already left the scheme. Both are still trading.

Below is the list of 100 language centres who are – at least as of now – no longer accredited.

Language centres which have left accreditation since March 2020


PLS = Private Language School
SS = summer School Operation
FE = Further Education College
Centres marked * appear to be trading

  1. Absolutely English SS
  2. Academy of English Studies PLS
  3. ATC Language School, Winchester PLS
  4. Bell St Albans PLS
  5. Berlitz Edinburgh PLS*
  6. BLC Bristol PLS
  7. Bloomsbury International, London PLS
  8. Bradford College (FE)*
  9. Brighton International Summer School SS*
  10. Brooklands College (FE)*
  11. BSC Brighton PLS*
  12. BSC Oxford PLS
  13. BSC Edinburgh PLS
  14. Caledonian Language School, Edinburgh PLS
  15. Central School of English, London PLS
  16. CES Harrogate (merged with CES Leeds) PLS
  17. City and Islington College FE*
  18. Devon School of English Ltd, Paignton PLS
  19. Delfin English School PLS
  20. Dudley College FE*
  21. East Sussex College Hastings (FE merged with Eastbourne and Lewes)*
  22. EF Executive Cambridge PLS*
  23. EJO SS*
  24. English 2000 School of English PLS
  25. Eurocentres Cambridge PLS
  26. Excel Academy SS*
  27. Global School of English, Edinburgh PLS
  28. Globe English PLS*
  29. Gloucester College FE (ELT department has closed)
  30. Edinburgh School of English PLS
  31. EC Oxford PLS
  32. Harven School of English PLS
  33. Hunter School of English PLS
  34. IH Aberdeen PLS
  35. IH Belfast Multicentre SS*
  36. Insight Greenwich, London PLS
  37. ILS English, Nottingham PLS
  38. INTO Scotland at Glasgow Caledonian Pathway
  39. Kaplan International SS (merged with Alpadia)
  40. Kheiron School of English, Oxford PLS*
  41. Kings College St Michaels Boarding School
  42. LAL London PLS
  43. LAL summer SS
  44. LAL Torbay PLS
  45. Language Link London PLS*
  46. Language Studies International Hampstead PLS*
  47. Language Study Centres (merged with Bayswater Summer) SS
  48. Leeds School of English PLS
  49. LTC Eastbourne PLS
  50. Liverpool School of English Year Round PLS
  51. Mackenzie School of English PLS
  52. Magnifico travel SS
  53. Mercator PLS*
  54. Moorland Hall PLS*
  55. Moreton Hall ISC* (Boarding School)
  56. Milner School of English PLS
  57. MLS International College PLS
  58. Nab Cottage PLS
  59. Northumbria SoE, Whitley Bay PLS*
  60. Northumbria University*
  61. Nottingham Language Academy PLS
  62. Oscars SS
  63. Oxford Brookes University Language Centre*
  64. Oxford House College Oxford PLS
  65. Oxford School of English Juniors (merged with year round)*
  66. OISE Bristol PLS
  67. OISE London PLS
  68. Oise Sherbourne Priors PLS
  69. Olivet School of English PLS
  70. Pilgrims Young Learners SS* (merged with OISE)
  71. Regent Brighton PLS
  72. Regent Cambridge PLS
  73. Regent Edinburgh PLS
  74. Regent Oxford PLS
  75. Richmond and Hillcroft Adult Education College FE*
  76. Riviera English School PLS
  77. Scanbrit School of English PLS*
  78. Scarborough International School PLS
  79. South Thames College* (FE)
  80. Sprachcaffe Brighton PLS
  81. Stafford House Brighton PLS (merged with Eurocentres now Bayswater Brighton)
  82. St Albans School of English PLS
  83. St Peter’s School of English PLS
  84. Stonar Boarding School*
  85. Thames Valley SS
  86. The English Studio PLS*
  87. The London School of English Canterbury PLS
  88. The Language Gallery, Manchester PLS
  89. Totnes European School PLS
  90. UCL (University College London) Language Centre PLS*
  91. UKEC Private FE*
  92. University of Brighton*
  93. University of Leeds*
  94. University of Liverpool*
  95. University of the Arts London Language Centre*
  96. University of Wolverhampton*
  97. Victoria School of English PLS
  98. Windermere ISS Boarding School *
  99. Worcester School of English (formerly Kingsway)
  100. York St John University*
Image courtesy of Wikimedia
Melanie Butler
Melanie Butler
Melanie started teaching EFL in Iran in 1975. She worked for the BBC World Service, Pearson/Longman and MET magazine before taking over at the Gazette in 1987 and also launching Study Travel magazine. Educated in ten schools in seven countries, she speaks fluent French and Spanish and rather rusty Italian.
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